節錄自059 期
于君方 著
Chen Lie. 1996. "The Ancestor Cult in Ancient China." 269-272. In Mysteries of Ancient China: New Discoveries from the Early Dynasties. Edited by Jessica Rawson. New York: George Braziller.
Loewe, Michael. 1979. Ways to Prardise: The Chinese Quest for Immortality. London: George Allen & Unwin.
Overmyer, Daniel L. 1976. Folk Buddhist Religion: Dissenting Sects in Late Traditional China. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Naguin, Susan 1976. Millenarian Rebellion in China: The Eight Trigrams Uprising of 1831. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Jordon, David K. and Daniel L. Overmyer 1986. The Flying Phoenix: Aspects of Chinese Sectarianism in Taiwan. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
James, Jean. M. 1995. "An Iconographic Study of Xiwangmu during the Han Dynasty." Artibus Asiae, LV, 1/2:17-41.
Schafer, Edward H. 1573. The Divine Woman: Dragon Ladies and Rain Maidens in T'ang Literature. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Howard, Angela F. "Buddhist Sculpture of China." Culture and Civilization of China. Edited by James Peck. New Haven: Yala University Press.