節錄自060 期
于君方 著 / 張譯心 譯
鎌田茂雄 1973. 〈香港の佛教儀禮:大悲懺法についこ〉, 《印度學佛教學研究》 22, 1:281-284.
Stevenson, Daniel B. 1986. "The Four Kinds of Samadhi in Early T'ien-t'ai Buddhism." In Traditions of Meditation in Chinese Buddhism, edited by Peter N. Gregory, 45-97. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Stevenson, Daniel B. 1987. "The T'ien-t'ai Four Forms of Samadhi and Late North-South Dynasties, Sui, and Early T'ang Buddhist Devotionalsim".Ph. D. Diss. Columbia University.
Donner, Neal and Daniel B. Stevenson. 1993. The Great Calming and Contemplation: A Study and Annotated Translation of the First Chapter ofChih-i's Mo-ho chih-kuan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
Reis-Habito, Maria. 1993. Die Dharani des Groben Erbarmens des Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara mit tausend H den und Augen: Ubersetzung und Untersuchung ihrer textlichen Grundlage sowei Erforschung ihres Kultes inChina. Nettetal: Steyler Verlag.
Getz Dan. 1994. "Siming Zhili and Tiantai Pure Land in the Sung Dynasty". Ph.D. Diss. Yale University.