甘於淡泊Choosing Simplicity—美國舍衛精舍僧團感謝悟因長老尼(中文字幕翻譯)

在1989年,圖丹卻准法師在西雅圖認識了見諦法師。1996年,圖丹卻准法師在菩提迦耶為西方尼僧組織了一個三個星期的課程,名為《西方尼僧生活營》。當時,見諦法師提議邀請悟因長老尼解說四分律比丘尼戒本。悟因長老尼以慈悲心接受了邀請;圖丹卻准法師之後把錄製的教材編輯成《甘於淡泊》(Choosing Simplicity)。至今,這是四分律比丘尼戒本唯一的英文論著。


In 1989, Venerable Thubten Chodron and Venerable Jendy Shih met in Seattle. When Ven. Chodron was organizing Life as a Western Buddhist Nun, a three-week educational program for Western Buddhist Nuns in Bodhgaya in 1996, Ven. Jendy suggested she invite Venerable Bhiksuni Master Wu Yin to give teachings on the Dharmaguptaka Bhikshuni Pratimoksha. Ven. Wu Yin kindly accepted the invitation, and Ven. Chodron edited the teachings into the book Choosing Simplicity, the only English language commentary on the Dharmaguptaka Bhikshuni Pratimoksha to date.

Ven. Wu Yin gave Ven. Chodron valuable advice when she founded Sravasti Abbey, the only Tibetan Buddhist training monastery for Westerners in the USA in 2003. Ven. Wu Yin and her students were also instrumental in arranging for the ordination of Abbey nuns and encouraging them over the years when they faced challenges. Now the Sravasti Abbey monastic community expresses their immeasurable gratitude and respect to Ven. Wu Yin and her students for their teachings and support over the years, which have been instrumental to the establishment and growth of Sravasti Abbey and the sangha in the West.

製作:美國舍衛精舍僧團(Sravasti Abbey).財團法人伽耶山基金會
香光莊嚴雜誌社 Luminary Publishing Association

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