節錄自061 期
于君方 著 / 釋自衎 譯
Cahill, James. 1982. Slogen-ga. 12th-14th Century Chinese Painting as Collected and Appreciated in Japan, Catalogue of March 31,1982-June 27, 1982 Exhibition at University Art Museum Berkeley:California University Art Museum.
Chang, Cornelius. 1971. "A Study of the Paintings of the Water-Moon Kuan-yin". Ph.D. diss. Columbia University.
Ch'en Kenneth K.S. 1964. Buddhism in China; A Historical Survey. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Chinese Ivories from the Shang to the Qing. 1984. Edited by William Watson. London: The Oriental Ceramic Society.
Donnelly, P.J. 1969. Blanc de Chine: The Procelain of Tehua in Fukien. New York.
Fong, Mary H. "Dehua figures: A Type of Chinese Popular Sculpure". 1990. Orientation 21, 1 (January):43-48.
Froeschle-Chopard, M. H. 1979. "The Iconography of the Sacred Universe in the Eighteenth Century: Chapels and Churches in the Dioceses of Vence and Grasse". In Ritual, Religion and the Sacred, Selections from the Annales, Economies, Societes, Civilisations. Volume 7, edited by Robert Forster and Orest Ranum and translated by Elbory Forster and Patricia M. Ranum, 146-181. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Univesity Press.
Howard, Angela F. 1985. "Royal Patronage of Buddhist Art in Tenth Century Wu Y 鹻 h." The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities. Bulletin.57:1-60.
Liu, Chen-tzu. 1983. "The Iconography of the White-robed Kuan-yin in the Southern Sung Dynasty(1127-1279)." M.A. Thesis, University of California, Davis.
Soper, Alexander C. 1960. "A Vacation Glimpse of the T'ang Temples of Ch'ang-an: Ssu T'a Chi by Tuan Ch'eng-shih." Artibus Asiae 23 (1):15-40.
Stein, Rolf A. 1986. "Avalokitesvara/Kouan-yin, un exemple de transformation d'un dieu en deese." Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie, 2:17-77.
松本榮一, 1926. 〈水月觀音圖考〉,《國華》 36, 8:205-13.
王惠民,1987.〈敦煌水月觀音像〉,《敦煌研究》第一卷,頁 31-38。
Chang, Cornelius. 1971. "A Study of the Paintings of the Water-Moon Kuan-yin". Ph.D. diss. Columbia University.
Ch'en Kenneth K.S. 1964. Buddhism in China; A Historical Survey. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Chinese Ivories from the Shang to the Qing. 1984. Edited by William Watson. London: The Oriental Ceramic Society.
Donnelly, P.J. 1969. Blanc de Chine: The Procelain of Tehua in Fukien. New York.
Fong, Mary H. "Dehua figures: A Type of Chinese Popular Sculpure". 1990. Orientation 21, 1 (January):43-48.
Froeschle-Chopard, M. H. 1979. "The Iconography of the Sacred Universe in the Eighteenth Century: Chapels and Churches in the Dioceses of Vence and Grasse". In Ritual, Religion and the Sacred, Selections from the Annales, Economies, Societes, Civilisations. Volume 7, edited by Robert Forster and Orest Ranum and translated by Elbory Forster and Patricia M. Ranum, 146-181. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins Univesity Press.
Howard, Angela F. 1985. "Royal Patronage of Buddhist Art in Tenth Century Wu Y 鹻 h." The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities. Bulletin.57:1-60.
Liu, Chen-tzu. 1983. "The Iconography of the White-robed Kuan-yin in the Southern Sung Dynasty(1127-1279)." M.A. Thesis, University of California, Davis.
Soper, Alexander C. 1960. "A Vacation Glimpse of the T'ang Temples of Ch'ang-an: Ssu T'a Chi by Tuan Ch'eng-shih." Artibus Asiae 23 (1):15-40.
Stein, Rolf A. 1986. "Avalokitesvara/Kouan-yin, un exemple de transformation d'un dieu en deese." Cahiers d'Extreme-Asie, 2:17-77.
松本榮一, 1926. 〈水月觀音圖考〉,《國華》 36, 8:205-13.
王惠民,1987.〈敦煌水月觀音像〉,《敦煌研究》第一卷,頁 31-38。