節錄自061 期
于君方 著 / 釋自衎 譯
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Chapin, Helen B. with revision by A.C. Soper. 1970-71. "A Long Roll of Buddhist Images." Artibus Asiae 32, 1:5-41, 2/3:157-99, 4:259-306; 33, 1/2:75-140.
Edgren, Soren. 1972. "The Printed Dharani Sutra of A.D. 956." The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquites. 44:141-52.
Howard, Angela F. 1985. "Royal Patronage of Buddhist Art in Tenth Century Wu Yueh." The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities. Bulletin. 57:1-60.
Howard, Angela F. 1990. "Tang and Post-Tang Images of Guanyin from Sichuan". Orientations. 23, 1:49-57.
Soper, Alexander C. 1948. "Hsiang-kuo-Ssu: An Imperial Temple of Northern Sung." Journal of the American Oriental Society. 68, 1:19-45.
Whitfield, Roderick and Anne Farrer. 1990. Caves of the Thousand Buddhas: Chinese Art from the Silk Route. London: British Museum.
張新民,〈五代吳越國的印刷〉,《文物》, 第十二卷, 一九七八,頁74-76。